The Ultimate Back to School Checklist

July 13, 2023

Check off what you need, ignore the things you don't, and use it to help you prep for the school year without the chaos of trying to remember how we do this each year!

The Ultimate Back to School Checklist

July 13, 2023

For five years of my life, I spent my days knee deep in dry erase markers and recess, teaching 2nd grade. I loved a lot of things about teaching, and one of them was setting up my classroom! Every year like clockwork, the same thing would happen. I'd crawl out of school in May welcoming summer break with open arms. June would be a blur of pool dates and forgetting what day it was. But then, the 4th of July would hit. Without fail, my brain would start rearranging desks and mapping out bulletin boards. July is the lightswitch for my summer to school year brain, and apparently that rhythm hasn't left my bloodstream! 


These days as a homeschool mom, my brain still flips to planning mode in July. Stealing a page from the Lazy Genius' idea of deciding once, I started to compile a master list of all the things I start flipping through in the rolodex of my brain. After asking for your input on Instagram, here's the list we came up with together!

Every family is different, so I don't want you to take this list as prescriptive to you. It's also not a list of things you have to buy, but rather a reminder of what to round up, check for wear and tear,  see if replacements are needed, etc. Just check off what you need, ignore the things you don't, and use it to help you prep for the school year without the chaos of trying to remember how we do this each year!

The Ultimate Back to School Checklist





Water Bottle

Name Label Stickers (these and these are my personal faves!)

School Supplies

Curriculum (if you homeschool or need to gather this for your family!)


Jeans, Leggings, Sweats (aka pants for when the wather cools down!)

Tennis shoes / gym shoes

T-shirts / tops

First day of school outfit

Socks (thanks to the mom who added this to the list after realizing her kids has none that fit!)

On that note, probs should check the underwear drawer too




Any needed doctor appointments



Teacher Gifts

Back to School gift basket/goodies

Reminder: find the First Day of School sign 


Bookbag/Lunchbox Hand Sanitzer (my fave here!)

Wishing an amazing summer wrap up to your family. Anything else you'd add to the list?!

