Peace Around the Table

November 4, 2020 | meals

May you find peace in the little things, like a meal around the table this week.

Peace Around the Table

November 4, 2020 | meals

Turns out I still need to feed my family in the midst of historic election craziness... so here it is!


What we're eating this week:


Sunday: Spaghetti + Salad

So EASY - Aldi Red Lentil Pasta + Rao’s sauce from Costco


Monday: “Wanna Be Glow Bowls”

Inspired by my new fave from a local restaurant. Its basically a bowl full of:

+roasted sweet potatoes, zucchini, bok choy, and chicken, then topped with-

+pickled red onions (my FAVE, easy recipe here)

+and a sauce of 2 tbsp sunflower butter, 1/2 c. chicken broth, and 1/2 c. coconut milk! Mix together in sauce pan until all combined and warmed, then pour over rest of ingredients!

Tuesday: Pizza Night


Wednesday: Chicken + Roasted Veggies

Another easy go to! Grill some chicken breasts, roast some broccoli (I like mine on the stovetop with some balsamic vinegar) and make a side of rice if you prefer!


Thursday: Taco Dip

My sister is coming in town this week, and I know we'll need an easy dinner/snack to sit around and chat once she's here!


Friday: Kourt’s pick!

Real life over here - not every meal is pre-planned and ready. I know while my sis is here we'll want to make something fun, or order a pizza, or something a little special like that! 


Saturday: Hutch’s birthday / leftovers

I have an almost two-year-old... someone hold me!! We're having some fam and friends over for a fun lunch which will no doubt lead to leftovers and snacking all day! Hooray!



Salmon Berry Salad

Candied Walnut Salad (this is STUPID good!!!)


May you find peace in the little things, like a meal around the table this week. 
